Place Making : Winter - Online workshop 4pm (UK time) on 4 Mondays Nov - March

£175.00 Sold Out

This is one sign-up for a series of 4 sessions at 4pm (UK time) via Zoom on the following dates:

25 November
6 January
3 February
10 March

This series of 4 sessions will consist of talks with slides and demonstrations of a variety of techniques for recording aspects of your locality. Each session will be for 1 ½ - 2 hours. There will be time during each session for group sharing, enabling a community of practice to develop. Tasks for students to carry out in their own time between sessions will be suggested each time we gather. Group sizes are kept small to make the sessions as close to the experience of in-person workshops as possible. PDF summary handouts will be made available for each session. The sessions will NOT be recorded as interaction between the group is an important part of this series.

The focus for the workshop series will be on appreciating and discovering potential in your own local area, establishing a practice that embraces seasonality and local engagement. Topics covered include: natural dyes and ink making; recording ‘place’ in different ways; use of text, print and mark-making; use of hand stitch and engagement with gathered materials. There will be an emphasis on engaging with the techniques in a way that is right for the individual and for the different locations of students.

Please make sure that the dates and times are suitable for you before you sign up.
Please also ensure you have access to Zoom software before the first session. You will be sent an email on the day before the first session with the zoom link.
Terms and conditions:
This purchase is for access to the workshop series for one person. Please do not share the session links with anyone else. If you want to attend with a friend, you will both need to sign up individually.
Refund is available prior to one week before the first session date minus 10% admin fee.
Dates stated are the intended dates at time of planning and every effort will be made to keep these as closely as possible.